Office 365 Can Be Your Hero

5 minute read

Just like the search in your email, you can search for a document. Unlike email, cloud systems can search for files by folder, name and even in information in the files. This can save countless time during the year when a file is given a name that is obvious to you but is obvious to team members.
image of search engine bar
If you are not using cloud based software, you could be missing a number of benefits. Email for example has been in the cloud in the late 90s from providers Hotmail, Yahoo and Google. With email connected on our computers and mobiles phones, is now the time that we look at making our work portable?

When asked, many businesses say that security is an issue. This is a fact, but loopholes have been closed over the years and the systems we use from Microsoft have improved in house, that they have been adapted to work in Microsoft's cloud systems.

Another point is that you didn't know where your information would be kept? You would be right to question this as the location of your files could stop you working with certain companies. In another scenario, you may need to ensure no data is in a specific country whether that is the USA, China, New Zealand and so on.

image of map of all countries

An example of the above scenario is from the Ministry of Defence (MOD for short). They have acknowledge the work of Microsoft's cloud offering and are utilising the security they provide. One strong point from this case is that their data will be kept in the United Kingdom.

From 2014 there has been a roadmap of data storage in a few locations to the specific country you are operating your business. For Japan, this was in 2014 and the UK this was from 2016.

image of a data storage warehouse

Am I affected by General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)?
The answer is yes. Under the guidelines (from May 2018) you will need to ensure any third party system you use meets GDPR requirements. Microsoft is committed to the requirements which allows you to use the platform and restrict staff in your organisation from sensitive information on staff in your business.

My system is no longer supported?
We helped a company where their email system is not supported for software updates and requires them to upgrade or move to the cloud. The latter allows them to free up office space, reduce running costs and maintenance (updates and support no longer required). Email and files can be moved from an existing system in house and moved to the cloud.

For many companies, IT budgets are limited, but keeping older systems could actually be costing you more than you need to spend. If you could benefit from cloud technology invest sooner so that you are not risking critical systems to pass the end of life support. If your business can avoid an emergency call out, would you take action now?

If you would like further information about the benefits of IT systems in the cloud, please drop us an email or contact the team on 01489 290 001.

This post was brought to you by Baldeep on 09 Jan 2018.

Small businesses are often left behind by IT companies as the aim is to work with the larger businesses. Baldeep started the company knowing that IT doesn't have to be your frustration. Provide great solutions at small business budgets is helping companies in Hampshire to focus on their goals without the burden of IT overheads or downtime.

Baldeep continued developing his skillset and has multiple accreditations to his name including his degree, Microsoft Certifications, ITIL and VMware Data Center Virtualization Certification. He is always learning to move IT forward for your business.

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