8 Ways to Boost Your Productivity in the Workplace

11 minute read

If we told you "we can boost productivity and reduce stress in the workplace", would you believe us? We ask you to read this article or ask us to demonstrate this in person.

Before we go into detail, we would like to explain what Proactive IT is?
This is a software solution that works with our engineers to know more about your IT systems and see trends of what is happening day to day. Here are some examples.

Example 1 - Marketing Department
A member of staff is working in the marketing department. They are creating images for the business. In order to carry out their work, they use applications they need a high amount of memory. Without them knowing the technical information, they may report that their computer is slow.

Staff working at their computer

With Proactive IT, the computer can be checked on a regular basis. Our IT support team can see that every time a particular item is in use, the computer is at its limit.

Without the team member knowing, we can highlight this issue to the marketing manager. In turn the staff member will benefit as they didn't have to report an issue. Some staff may have accepted the situation, but constant requirements of the computer mean that on these occasions can be a problem of the past.

Example 2 - Accounts Department
A member of staff in the accounts department knows that this week is month end. Payslips need printing, invoices need to be sent out and paperwork filed. The accounts software requires good usage of the computers hard drive and processor to run reports.

The team member or even a number of the team carry out the tasks in a structured order. This means that the staff cannot leave today until the work is complete.

With Proactive IT we can see that which application is in use and can see how it affects the computers. Spotting this trend with our software allows us to focus on steps to resolve this.

When we see that the application is pushing the demands of the computers, we plan for the new systems to replace the current ones. The team can benefit from the new improved systems and month end doesn't mean leaving late at the end of each month. This gives staff their time back and means overtime or time in lieu is no longer required.

Example 3 - Company Server
When you are working in a team, you are likely to save your files on the company drive. As staff are working on their computers they are not aware how much space is on the company drive.

What we don't need is staff calling up saying they cannot save their files. When that affects one member of the team, it's one call to the IT support team. However when you have 50 calls within a matter of minutes you need a fast resolution.

With Proactive IT we can see when the company drive is low on space before there is an urgent change required. As we notice throughout the month how much space is used each month we can see when we need to increase that space.

Some months we can see older files that need deleting. However after a clear out the month before we know it's time to add more space to the server. Our team can then order the new hard drive ahead of time saving the company time and money. We can even plan a particular evening when to add this space so that staff are not affected in the day.

Staff working at their desk

Example 4 - The Internet Dropping Out
Whilst providing the IT support for larger businesses, we have seen the occasion when staff are unable to access the internet. You may walk around and ask who is affected and find that specific staff are unable to access the internet whereas staff at other desks can.

With Proactive IT we can see when the internet drops out or even when a switch (a device that connects to multiple computers) drops outs. With this in mind, we can see when the switch disconnected and go straight to the device in question.

This can save a number of minutes troubleshooting the problem and that time saved means we can get the affected staff back up and running quicker.

Example 5 - The Company Directors
When it comes to company assets, totalling up what stock is in use and what is no longer kept is a time comsuming admin task. No one wants to walk around each desk, note the company details, serial numbers and even check what may be installed in the computer (memory, additional drives and so on). Then on top of that, there are applications that are installed on different computers.

Where Proactive IT comes into play is that we can collate this information in an easy to view report. This can help calculate total stock of IT equipment without a member of staff spending a day or two going around the office.

In addition, this will check IT hardware like laptops that are used out the office.

Example 6 - Team Work
When it comes to various departments, monitoring staff productivity is not easy. For example in the marketing department, time on social media, time replying to comments is not monitored precisely.

In the accounts department, monitoring time on the accounts software is usually not possible. Likewise for HR teams when they are updating records.

One external application we found useful is Rescue Time. This allows monitoring time on various websites, applications like Outlook, Word, PowerPoint and so on. Management can then view these reports across the week for various staff. This ensures that what staff say they did working in the office or remotely can be picked up.

For staff, an application like Rescue Time can be an incentive to keep up a consistent productivity level ensuring they are utilising their day the best way possible. Likewise if they are finding that they are spending more time on email than their peers, then this will highlight areas for change so a plan can be put in place.

Example 7 - The IT Manager
With Proactive IT we have the advantage of seeing repeat scenarios. For example if this switch drops out random times in the day, then we can see this is not a one off and this hardware needs changing over. We can see if this equipment is in warranty or not and if it is, we could get this replaced without additional charge to the customer.

With one of our customers we use the information to prepare for a replacement computer. We found a computer where there was a drive failure. Ensuring all the files were backed up before this got worse. To the surprise of the member of staff when they were informed they were getting a new computer the following week meant that staff are happy and the company is not at risk of company data being lost (or even paying for data recovery later down the line).

Thirdly with patch management, you can reduce the risk of ransomware by keeping your computers and servers up to date. More on this, with the help of our video.

Proactive IT Video
We created a video on Proactive IT, which you can also see on our YouTube channel.

Example 8 - Staff wellbeing
Ensuring staff are happy with their work can help motivate them to work to their potential. It could be as small as 30 minutes a day. If you add this time up for a week that's 2.5 hours extra. Over 40 weeks and you will find 100 extra productivity hours in the years. This equates to 2 extra weeks of work in an entire year.

If you would like more info on Proactive IT or need help with your IT systems, please speak to a member of our team on 01489 290 001. You can also drop us an email.

This post was brought to you by Baldeep on 14 Jun 2018.

Small businesses are often left behind by IT companies as the aim is to work with the larger businesses. Baldeep started the company knowing that IT doesn't have to be your frustration. Provide great solutions at small business budgets is helping companies in Hampshire to focus on their goals without the burden of IT overheads or downtime.

Baldeep continued developing his skillset and has multiple accreditations to his name including his degree, Microsoft Certifications, ITIL and VMware Data Center Virtualization Certification. He is always learning to move IT forward for your business.

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