2 minute read
There is news today of two new cyber attacks affecting Ukraine and Poland. This ransomware is likely to spread over to many countries during the next 24-48 hours.
One of the threats is called Petya. This attacks the information used to start your computer systems. Without this, you will not be able to start your computer. This requires patches CVE-2017-0199 and MS17-010. Even before this, with the help of 1 file on the computer, we could reduce the risk of infection on your IT network.
The other is still an unknown new threat says Kaspersky Labs. There is a patch for DoublePulsar rootkit from Microsoft MS17-010 in March 2017 (as with WannaCrypt).
Should you pay the ransom?
If you do, the problem may not be fixed. In fact, you may be a victim again in future. Our advice is to ensure your IT systems are updated (i.e. patched). If you are unsure of this process, please speak to our team on 01489 290 001.
This post was brought to you by Baldeep on 27 Jun 2017.
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