As a charity the IT costs can spiral. Technology is changing quickly and the cost of new computers, phones, printers and so on is an ongoing cost. How do you make them all work together? What software do you need? Our team can get you an affordable solution without your charity dealing with the headaches of multiple suppliers. We project manage your IT for you.
Nina is looking to tidy up the IT systems in the office. With older hardware needing maintenance, to a shared filing system. Files were in a number of places. Moving over to the cloud meant the internet connection had to be stable.
Our team have moved all the data to the cloud. The old server is no longer in use which has saved space and running costs. With a stable internet connection the team are able to provide training courses whilst other members of the team are continuing to work. The new filing system is secure so only directors can see all the files whilst team members only see what they need. The best part of the solution is that staff can work from home, in another city or in another country. Even snow days don't stop staff working.
"Thank you. It is very good working with friendly, helpful, professional and competent IT support"
Nina at Southampton Action For Employment
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Still not sure? We will give you a free IT diagnosis. You change your mind any time. Your details will not be shared with any third party.
Our team have recently helped charities like Nina's in Southampton and nearby locations below. Just like Nina, if you would like an affordable IT provider with a fast response time please call the team on 01489 290 001.
Would you like some IT advice? Call our team on 01489 290 001 or drop us an email.